Image with a heading birthday 2024 plastics versus planet
Earth Day 2024 – Planet vs. Plastics

Plastic Pollution is a Pressing Global Issue with Far-Reaching Consequences.

Here are Some Key Statistics:

Global Plastics Production:

Plastic Waste Generation:

Ocean Plastic Pollution:

  • More than 171 trillion pieces of plastic are estimated to be floating in the world’s oceans, a significant increase from 16 trillion pieces in 2005.
  • Plastic kills fish, sea animals, and marine species, and it takes hundreds of years to break down into less harmful materials.

Production Trends:

The plastic waste problem demands urgent attention and concerted efforts to reduce consumption, improve waste management, and protect our environment. 🌍🌱

At H2O | BWT  We are Changing the World Sip by Sip

Change the world sip by sip logo for H2O BWT

For many years, we have seen the plastic waste mountain on earth grow rapidly. This poses a massive threat to us and our fragile ecosystems. With our initiative “Change the World – sip by sip” we have launched an appeal: Let’s change something! Every day, sip by sip.

Healthy, Clean Water for All

BWT has set itself the goal of providing local tap water in the best drinking water quality all over the world.

We want to ensure that our Planet Blue remains livable for future generations. We have it in our own hands: 1.2 million plastic bottles produced every minute worldwide must be reduced to a minimum. We have to take responsibility for this!

Sustainability, social responsibility and the conscious use of limited resources is an elementary part of our DNA. That’s what our Vision “Change the World – sip by sip” stands for.

Be the Change

It is easy to contribute, without compromise, and can be implemented at home as well as in restaurants, hotels and in workplaces. Our initiative aims to avoid disposable bottles and thus reduce mountains of plastic waste.

Thanks to our innovative, patented technologies, local tap water – regardless of quality – is filtered, treated and enriched with valuable minerals and trace elements such as magnesium, zinc or silicates. Because BWT has set itself the task of making water better. So fresh, tasty water comes directly from the tap. We act in the interests of our environment, because no disposable plastic bottles must be bought and disposed of. There is also no need for strenuous hauling or storing water bottles.

Get Involved:

Visit Earth Day Website to see how!

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Image with a heading birthday 2024 plastics versus planet

Earth Day 2024 – Planet vs. Plastics

Plastic Pollution is a Pressing Global Issue with Far-Reaching Consequences. Here are Some Key Statistics: Global Plastics Production: Global plastics production has doubled since the

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