When Is The Best Time To Take Zinc And Magnesium?

What Is Zinc?

Your body needs zinc, along with magnesium, iron, calcium, iodine, silica, and selenium, as one of seven essential minerals for healthy functioning.

Although it’s essential for your health, your body doesn’t store it naturally, unlike some other vitamins and minerals. It is for this reason that zinc is a very important mineral that you must consume regularly, both in your diet and via supplements.

Can Magnesium And Zinc Be Taken Together?

Absolutely! In fact, they should be taken together.

Minerals and vitamins are all competing for your body’s ability to absorb them, so they need certain  conditions for the best effect. In some minerals, the benefits of the minerals are mutual, while in others, they counter each other’s level of absorption (known as bioavailability).

The combination of magnesium and zinc, in the right dosage, is beneficial to your health. These two combine so well that a lot of oral supplements (tablets, capsules, etc.) are on the market that do both.

Magnesium assists your body in regulating zinc levels, but high intakes of zinc can be detrimental to magnesium absorption – only abnormally high doses (around 142 mg of zinc per day) will reduce magnesium absorption.

What Are Some Health Benefits Of Taking Magnesium and Zinc?


Zinc is an essential trace element for the growth, maintenance, and development of your body.

Zinc is used by the body for a variety of functions, including:

  • Help to heal wounds
  • Catalyse key chemical reactions through enzyme production
  • Process protein, fats in food, and carbohydrates
  • Boost immune system
  • Maintains bone strength
  • Aids the process of cell division and growth
  • Supports DNA synthesis

Some athletes supplement with zinc to improve their performance and strength, while others seek it out to relieve muscle cramps.


A variety of benefits are associated with magnesium. It:

  • Provides relief from muscle tension
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Decreases fatigue
  • Promotes muscle recovery after workouts and sports
  • Keeps skin flexible and supple by repairing it
  • Stimulates bone growth
  • Contributes to metabolic rate and nervous system health

Magnesium deficiency (low magnesium levels) can lead to fatigue and cause sleep interruptions. 

I Need Magnesium and Zinc, But How Much Should I Take?


It is much easier for your body to absorb zinc than magnesium, therefore your body needs less zinc than it does Magnesium. The daily dose recommended for adult men is 9.5 mg and 7 mg for adult women, while for children, it’s up to 9.5 mg, depending on their size and age (betteryou.com)

Getting enough zinc from a balanced diet should not be a problem. There are several good sources of zinc, including:

  • Beans & nuts
  • Wholegrain
  • Red meat
  • Shellfish
  • Poultry
  • Cereals (e.g. oats)
Foods High In Zinc


For adults men, 300 mg and for adult women, 270 mg of magnesium is the daily limit. For children, it is recommended that the daily doses lower, as it depends on age.

The maximum amount depends on the dosage of magnesium tablets or capsules -transdermal magnesium supplements (those applied to the skin) do not go through your gut and so have no upper limit!

When it comes to magnesium, the best way to ensure you get an adequate supply is to eat a balanced diet full of magnesium-rich foods such as spinach, nuts, beans and wholegrain. There are, however, times when food sources aren’t sufficient, so if you’re found to have a magnesium deficiency, you can increase it through supplementation.

Is Zinc Deficiency Affecting Your Health?

A normal diet provides more zinc than the recommended intake, so zinc deficiency is relatively rare. As a result, it is unlikely that your levels of zinc are low enough to cause concern.

However, there are certain groups of people who are considered at higher risk of zinc deficiency. Among them are:

  • Adolescents and children
  • Adults over 65 years of age (increasing age reduces the body’s ability to absorb the mineral)
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding woman
  • Vegans and Vegetarians (meat-free diets contain high levels of phytates which reduce zinc absorption from grains and legumes, a major staple of the diet)

Iron and calcium can also lower zinc levels (since they compete for absorption). 

Zinc Deficiency Symptoms

A low zinc level can cause the following symptoms:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Inability to heal wounds
  • Diarrhoea
  • Lack of alertness
  • Reduced sense of taste and smell

How Does Zinc Interact With Vitamins And Minerals?

Taking zinc with magnesium is okay, as mentioned above. It is important to be aware that zinc can interfere with the absorption of other minerals (calcium and iron, for example) and vitamins.

It is best to avoid taking zinc and copper at the same time, since zinc, particularly in high doses, has been shown to prevent the absorption of copper and may cause deficiency. Some people also develop weak bones as a result of it.

Understand that calcium supplements can affect zinc absorption and overall zinc levels in your body. In turn, a zinc deficit can lead to calcium deficiency because zinc is essential for calcium absorption.

How can you add Magnesium and Zinc without having to think about it?

H2O | BWT has made this step so simple. With our BWT Penguin Mineralizer Jug, you can remove lime scale and harmful contaminants from your tap water. Plus, the BWT Magnesium Mineralized Jug Cartridge + Zinc, 2.5L of water can provide up to 20% of your daily Magnesium and Zinc requirement. With one cartridge replacement, you can add approximately 65mg* of magnesium per 2.5L making it easier for you to boost your immune system.

Want to find out more about our products? Click Here

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jim stern

    When should i take the magnesium pill? Just before bedtime? On an empty stomach ok? Have bad leg cramps often. Trying to drink more h20

    1. H2O | BWT International

      Hello Jim,
      Thank you for your enquiry. Many of our water filters provide 20% of your magnesium intake and we advise that you simply make it part of your daily routine to drink the magnesium water that is produced by our magnesium water filters.
      In terms of taking a magnesium pill, we advise that you contact your chosen health professional.

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