Beach Co-op and BWT Dual Logo


for You & Planet Blue!

The BWT Foundation is proud and delighted to be the principal sponsor for the Beach Co-op; helping our beautiful planet and do our part in ensuring that we live in a safe & healthy environment.

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Change The World Sip By Sip

At H2O | BWT, we strive to provide our customers with the best products and services in all areas of water treatment while contributing valuably to preserve the global resources of our blue planet.

Plastics contribute around 85% to volumes of recorded beach litter – 61% of this is single-use plastic items!

Not only is plastic waste choking planet earth – polluting the air, water and soil which people and animals need to survive – but studies have shown that toxic elements from plastic can leech into our bodies.

Drinking tap water, especially if it’s purified, is usually much better for your health and the environment than bottled water.

According To The Beach Co-Op, “Human Life Is Significantly Dependent On The Health Of The Ocean."


Yet the ocean is under constant threat due to our consumer patterns and current productions. 61% of recorded beach litter is single-use plastics!

What to Remember for the Beach Cleanup on 13 March 2021:

Need convincing why you should ditch single-use plastics & switch to refillable bottles? Read more.

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Beach Co-op and BWT Dual Logo


for You & Planet Blue!

The BWT Foundation is proud and delighted to be the principal sponsor for the Beach Co-op; helping our beautiful planet and do our part in ensuring that we live in a safe & healthy environment.

To Be Notified About Future Events, Sign Up Below!

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H2O | BWT & The Beach Co-Op Beach Cleanup Events