7 Reasons to Stay Hydrated in Winter

You’re pretty sure your nose is frozen. You can’t feel your toes. Fumbling with your keys with those impossibly thick gloves, you finally spill through the front door. You switch on every heater you own and, if you’re lucky enough, you build a cosy fire to warm the ice cave you call home. Finally, after removing approximately five layers of clothing, it’s time to relax in front of the telly with a nice… glass of water?

Stay hydrated in winter with H2O
Are you serious?

That’s right. Cold as it is, it’s really important that you stay hydrated in winter. Here are some interesting facts on cold weather changes that can lead to dehydration. Some self-imposed and others that just can’t be helped.

Why it’s easy to dehydrate in Winter:

Dietary changes

  1. During Winter, we tend to replace our fruits and salads with cooked vegetables. Winter vegetables contain less water, which means we’re getting less water from our food.
  2. But what about those belly-warming soups and mouth-watering stews? They have a lot of water, right? Well, soups and stews are notorious for their high sodium content – and all that salty goodness draws water right out of our cells as our bodies use osmosis in an attempt to find balance.
  3. Tea and coffee rank high on the winter beverage list, caffeine acting as a diuretic and making us urinate more often. The main component of urine? Yep, it’s water.

Environmental changes

  1. We’re quick to switch on heaters and light fires when the cold sets in, but did you realise that the dry heat increases the rate of evaporation of water from your body?
  2. Wonder why you can see your breath when it’s super cold? Respiratory evaporation – we lose water during respiration and in cold, dry conditions, this water loss increases.
  3. When we are cold, perspiration decreases and our bodies compensate by producing more urine to get rid of toxins. With all these extra trips to the loo, we’re losing even more water.
  4. Simultaneously, the cold triggers an increase in blood flow to our core as our bodies try to reduce central heat loss. With this increase, our brains cannot detect an overall drop in fluid and our thirst regulating hormones don’t kick in as they normally would. The result? We simply don’t get as thirsty as we should!

The dangers of dehydration

Our bodies cannot be expected to perform optimally unless we make an effort to maintain an optimal level of hydration. Blood-pressure, along with the health and performance of our cells, tissues and organs, are all reliant on an adequate fluid intake to feed and flush our systems. From dizziness and headaches to delirium and unconsciousness, the effects of dehydration are numerous and can cause permanent damage.

So what is the answer?

  • Water. Drink lots and lots of water. Even if you don’t feel like it, your body needs it more than you realise.
  • Keep a bottle of filtered water with you wherever you are. On your desk, in the car, next to your bed, while you’re shopping. And make sure you’re using a decent water filter, or you may just be substituting one risk for another. (Click here to learn about the concerns of unfiltered tap water.)
  • To ensure that you are getting the most benefit out of your water intake, invest in a H2O Countertop Water Filter. It’s economical, convenient, and with superior filtration properties, you are guaranteed the best value for your money. The purity of H2O filtered water makes it easier to drink more water. Then you can return to your glass of wine!

H2O products to help you stay hydrated this winter:

H2O products to help you stay hydrated this winter



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