National Water Quality Month
National Water Quality Month

It’s National Water Quality Month, and with that, we strongly recommend that you test your drinking water.

August is National Water Quality Month. This annual focus reminds us of water’s vital role in our lives and how important it is in maintaining its quality. It’s not just a basic necessity; it’s the lifeline of our planet. It’s the key to our survival, helping crops to grow that feed us and provides habitat for many species. Ensuring its quality is crucial for all living beings and our planet.

The Significance of Water Quality

National Water Quality Month encourages us to reflect on the various aspects of water quality, including its clarity, purity, and absence of pollutants (want to test your tap water?) Clean water isn’t just about its appearance; it’s about the absence of harmful contaminants that can compromise your health and the larger environment we all share.

Getting your drinking water in your home and office tested is relatively easy. You simply need to send us a sample, we then send it off to the applicable laboratory; and when we get the results back, we can then recommend the absolute best water filter – or combination of water filters – for your water situation. Buying a water filter is seldom as easier simply choosing one off the shelf.

Water Quality Threats

Despite water covering about 71% of the Earth’s surface, the freshwater essential for drinking, irrigation, and industrial purposes is only a tiny portion of that. Unfortunately, pollution, over-extraction and climate change continuously threaten this valuable resource.

  • Pollution: Improper waste disposal, agricultural runoff and industrial discharges can introduce pollutants like heavy metals, chemicals, and microplastics into water bodies. These pollutants harm aquatic life and ecosystems and degrade water quality.
  • Nutrient Runoff: Excessive nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilisers can lead to harmful algal blooms, which deplete oxygen levels in water bodies, causing ‘dead zones’ where aquatic life cannot survive.
  • Climate Change: Increasing global temperatures and changing precipitation patterns can affect water quality. Warmer waters can foster the growth of harmful bacteria, and altered weather patterns can lead to more frequent and intense flooding, washing pollutants into water sources (click here to learn more).

In honour of National Water Quality Month, raising awareness and inspiring action is essential.

Here are some ways you can help maintain and improve water quality:

  • Reduce Plastic Use: Plastics break down into harmful microplastics that can contaminate water sources. You can minimise plastic usage (we have a wide range of refillable water bottles), recycle responsibly, and participate in clean-up efforts to reduce plastic waste (sign up to our beach cleanup list to be notified of future cleanups!)
  • Mind Your Household Chemicals: Many household cleaning products contain chemicals that can find their way into water sources. Opt for environmentally-friendly alternatives to reduce your contribution to water pollution.
  • Conserve Water: Every drop counts. Fix leaky faucets, use efficient appliances, and adopt water-saving habits to reduce the strain on local water sources. By conserving water, you can help ensure that future generations have access to clean water.

National Water Quality Month is a potent reminder of water’s critical role in our lives and ecosystems. As we observe this month, let’s appreciate the beauty of water bodies and recognise our responsibility to safeguard them. The well-being of our oceans, rivers, lakes and streams directly affects our health and the health of numerous species that rely on these environments.

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