Why Should You Keep Yourself Hydrated

There are many reasons to drink the right amount of water every day: it regulates our body temperature, prevents infections, feeds our cells, and keeps our organs healthy. Additionally, being well hydrated improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.

In general, experts recommend drinking 8 cups of water a day. There are many types of water that you can drink; some of them can even be flavoured with fruit or vegetables (oranges, lemons, berries, or cucumber slices), or they can even be brewed with coffee or tea. 

Why Stay Hydrated?

Water is essential to your body’s survival. For your body to function properly, every cell, tissue, and organ demands water. Among other things, water keeps your body cool, and removes waste. For overall good health, water is essential.

The Road To Better Health

Start With water – The Best Way to Hydrate

As previously mentioned, it is recommended that you should try to drink 8 glasses of water a day. It’s a good goal to aim for. However, it is important to remember that different people require different amounts of water to remain hydrated. In some cases, the average amount is sufficient, while for others it might not be enough to stay hydrated.

Benefits of Drinking Purified Water

To put it simply, purified drinking water can help people stay hydrated easier. Purified water aids digestion, boosts athletic performance, cleanses the body, and promotes clearer skin, among other benefits. You don’t have to settle for tap water or sugary drinks when you can choose a refreshing, healthy beverage from H2O | BWT.

Read > Top 5 Health Benefits Of Filtered Water

Factors to Consider

Without enough water, you can become dehydrated. When you don’t have enough fluid in your body, you can’t function well.

It is possible to tell if you are dehydrated by the colour of your urine. A colourless or light yellow urine indicates you’re hydrated. Dehydration may result in dark yellow or amber urine.

Dehydration can be indicated by a variety of other symptoms. These include:

  • Extreme thirst
  • Frequent headaches
  • Dry mouth and lips
  • Fatigue and sleeplessness
  • Dark urine
  • Little or no urine
  • Lightheadedness and dizziness
  • Confusion

The most valuable resource is always going to be water. Your health can be improved with just one change. You deserve all the benefits that drinking water provides to you, so why not create new, healthy drinking habits?

Plain Water Not Your Style? 

Staying hydrated is best achieved through water, but other beverages and foods can also help. Juice from fruit and vegetables, milk, and herbal teas keep you hydrated throughout the day. It is possible to drink water daily even when you consume caffeinated drinks (such as coffee, tea, or soda).

We all know that keeping hydrated during exercise is very important. You might find sports drinks helpful if you are exercising at a high level for an extended period. Your energy level can be increased by their carbohydrates and electrolytes. They facilitate the absorption of water by your body. Sports drinks with added sugar, however, can be high in calories. Additionally, they may have high sodium (salt) levels. Look at the label for serving size information. There are usually several servings in one bottle. Caffeine can also be found in sports drinks. A safe daily intake of caffeine is 400mg. So you do need to judge for yourself if you really need that sports drink or if plain purified water will do.

Most people don’t experience health problems from moderate caffeine intake. In popular drinks, caffeine can be found in the following amounts:

  • 600ml of Soda: 30mg to 40mg
  • 250ml of Black or Green Tea: 30mg to 50mg
  • 250ml of Black Coffee: 80mg to 100mg
  • 250ml of Energy Drink: 40mg to 250mg

Drinking caffeinated beverages in moderation, however, is a good idea as caffeinated drinks can assist in combating fatigue, increase alertness, and increase concentration. However, if you do not pay attention to the amount of caffeine you consume or drink caffeine drinks excessively, you may begin to feel jittery or anxious. Furthermore, you should be careful about what you drink. Several adverse effects may result from drinking sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda in large amounts. Effects could range from tooth decay, an increased risk of heart disease, and metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes.

You could also look towards fruits and vegetables (for example, watermelons, tomatoes, and lettuce), and in soup broth, to increase your water intake.

Here Are Some Tips To Help You Stay Hydrated:

  • Always have a  refillable bottle of water on you while you’re out and about. Remember to use a reusable water bottle with you so that you don’t add single-use plastic to the environment – like when you buy bottled water in a shop.  Choose water bottles that have internal water filters and fill it up with tap water to reduce costs.
  • Adding a slice of lemon or lime to your drink will help it taste better if you do not like the taste of plain water.
  • Exercise is best done with plenty of water before, during, and after.
  • Water is good for your body if you’re hungry. It is common to confuse hunger with thirst. Water cannot satisfy real hunger. Healthy weight-loss plans may also be aided with water consumption. Research suggests that drinking water can help you feel full.
  • Drink water on a schedule if you are having trouble remembering. When you wake up, drink two glasses or two. Then when you eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and before bed, drink water.
  • Restaurants are the perfect place to drink water. Stay hydrated with these free services
  • Eat fruits and vegetables as an alternative method of consuming water. Besides being nutrient-rich, these foods also contain water.

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