How much water should you be drinking?

How much water should you be drinking?

Everyone knows drinking water is a good thing, but how much water should we REALLY be drinking. The standard answer is always eight glasses of water a day. But now news reports are suggesting that there can be a thing as too much water. So let’s see what the experts have to say on the subject.

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Time for a glass of...

Time For A Glass Of ….

Most people reading this blog know they should be drinking eight glasses of water a day. But perhaps you don’t realise, it’s when you drink it and the type of water you drink, that makes all the difference. Let’s start with the right times to have a glass of H2O.

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2015 News Year Resolution – Stay Hydrated (obviously)

Yup, we know, new year’s resolutions apply to about the first week of January! So, for the second week of January and beyond, here is some advice about staying hydrated today, next week, next month, next year, heck, the rest of your life! The good news is that there is only one very easy rule.

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Pollen Allergies – Air purification brings hope!

Spring is literally in the air – and for the millions of people who suffer from seasonal allergies, it means a runny nose, sneezing, congestion, itchy eyes, eczema, asthma or other awful systematic responses that detract from the beauty of blossoming flowers and the birth of new life.

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