Importance of Water
The importance of pure water and how to obtain it.

Water is arguably our most precious natural resource. It sustains life and is used in almost every part of our daily lives from growing our food to flushing our waste.

Of the 1% of the water on Earth that is available for us to drink and use, a large percentage of it first needs to be treated. This is because some of it is polluted or has chemicals like chlorine added so that it can be transported long distances via pipe networks in unfavourable conditions.

Because it has to travel long distances, our drinking water is treated to kill off harmful bacteria that breeds in the pipes used to transport it. In addition to this, the supply system is made up of many kilometres of pipes that can be damaged and often seepages occur. This means clean water leaks out and groundwater can, in turn, leak in.

When this tap water eventually reaches you, it can have all sorts of nasty things in it, such as chemicals like chlorine and chloramines, heavy metals, particles and other unwanted impurities, none of which are good for you.

So how do we protect ourselves and our families from these impurities? Below we’ll cover a few ways currently available to treat your water, some of which are better than others. To find a treatment that best fits your water requirements contact one of our water specialists at

These are the Water Purification technologies currently available:



  • Granular Activated Carbon (GAC):

This is one of the most common media used in domestic and industrial water filtration units. GAC reduces chlorine levels in water, thereby removing taste and odour problems as well as organic compounds and organically based industrial chemicals. GAC is also effective at absorbing herbicides, pesticides and trihalomethanes.

  • Kinetic Degradation Fluxion (KDF):

No other water treatment medium makes use of such a wide range of properties, meaning it can effectively deal with a wide range of water pollution problems. KDF works on a reduction/oxidation principle whereby it reduces contamination by exchanging ions with contaminants making them harmless. These contaminants include chlorine and chloride. Other contaminants like heavy metals bind to the KDF, trapping and removing them from your water.

  • Ceramic Cartridges:

These are designed to remove suspended solids and microscopic pathogens in your water. These ceramic cartridges, when used with a carbon block core, will also remove chlorine, trihalomethanes, lead iron, pesticides, herbicides, aluminium and sediments. It will also greatly improve the taste and odour of your water.

  • Ultra Filters (UF):

These are designed to remove suspended solids and microscopic pathogens in your water. These cartridges, when used together with carbon block, will also remove chlorine, trihalomethanes, lead iron, pesticides, herbicides, aluminium and sediments. They will also greatly improve the taste and odour of your water.

  • Magnesium Mineralization:

This is a 5-stage filtration method that balances the mineral content of your water by adding in additional magnesium. This, in turn, filters out excess calcium, while removing impurities such as particles and chlorine, as well as other substances that impair the taste and smell of your water. The result is great-tasting water at an almost neutral pH which is great for drinking and cooking.

These media types/cartridges are available in different sizes and are used in water filters or purification units. Many different units are available on the market and H2O International stocks the best variations available.


Other filtration methods include:



  • Ultra Violet Light Water Purification (UV):

This is one of the simplest and most practical means of destroying pathogens and micro-organisms in your water system. It removes mould spores, protozoa, viruses and yeast by using a U.V. light emitter at wavelengths between 15nm and 380nm.

This is a water treatment process that removes undesirable contaminants from your water by using pressure that forces water molecules through an extremely fine filter membrane with microscopic pores. This results in impurities being caught and flushed away and the high-quality water remaining. This method’s effectiveness is dependent on the initial level of contamination and water pressure. It can be used to desalinate seawater for drinking and can remove heavy metals and other contaminants such as organics, dirt, rust, pesticides, herbicides, magnesium, calcium, lead and nitrates. It also reduces unpleasant tastes and odours.

The majority of our drinking water, if not bought, has a large number of unwanted contaminants and impurities in it. These contaminants are not good for your health or the health of your family. So, filter and purify your water with one of our products to ensure you and your family are receiving the best water possible.

For more information on this, or to find a solution that best fits your needs, please visit and get more than just purified water, get water that is good for you and your home.


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