Health Benefits of Magnesium
The Health Benefits of Magnesium and Why You Should Increase Your Daily Intake

Magnesium is a mineral and is found in the earth, ocean, plants, animals and in every cell of your body. Present in mineral and tap water, the health benefits of magnesium are essential for regular blood pressure, levels of blood glucose and nerve function. It plays a few important roles in your body and brain health. In fact, the body cannot function without it.

Read more on Different Types of Mineral Water and Why it is Good for You.

How Much Magnesium Should You Take?

The daily recommended allowance for magnesium is 310–320 mg for adult females and 400–420 mg for adult males. Even with a healthy diet, you may not be getting enough of it. You can choose to take additional magnesium supplements, increase your intake of magnesium-rich food and/or increase your daily intake of magnesium-enriched water.

What are the benefits of taking magnesium?

Here Are 8 Health Benefits of Magnesium:

1. Magnesium is Involved in Over 600 Biochemical Reactions in the Body

Magnesium is essential for healthy body functioning and is involved in more than 600 reactions in the body such as:

  • Converting food to energy
  • Creating new proteins from amino acids
  • Helps create and repair DNA and RNA
  • Plays a role in the reaction of muscle movement: muscle contraction and relaxation
  • Helps regulate neurotransmitters responsible for sending messages throughout your brain and nervous system

It could assist in boosting your exercise performance.

Studies show that supplementing with magnesium can boost exercise performance in athletes, the elderly and those with chronic disease. It helps move blood sugar into your muscles and disposes of lactate which builds up during exercise and can cause fatigue. While exercising you may need 10-20% more magnesium than while resting depending on the activity level.

Health benefits of magnesium

2. Magnesium Can Help Fight Depression Symptoms

Because magnesium is critical to brain function and mood, some experts believe that the low magnesium content of today’s food may be the cause of increased mental illness and depression because lower levels of magnesium have been linked to depression. So, do drink yourself happy with magnesium in your water! (See product suggestions below).

3. It Has Benefits for those with Type-2 Diabetes

Studies show that people with a lower magnesium intake are at higher risk of developing diabetes and that around 48% of those with type 2 diabetes have low levels of magnesium in their blood. This can lead to insulin’s inability to keep blood sugar levels under control. Magnesium supplements have been shown to lower blood sugar level in some people but not in those without deficiencies.

4. Magnesium has Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

A study showed that children with low blood magnesium levels had the highest levels of CRP: the inflammatory marker, higher blood sugar and insulin levels. Chronic inflammation (linked to low magnesium intake) is said to drive ageing, obesity and chronic disease. Magnesium supplements and magnesium-rich food can reduce CRP and other inflammation markers in adults and overweight people.

5. Magnesium Can Prevent and Help Treat Migraines

A study revealed that an additional 1 gram magnesium supplement provided sufferers with relief from migraines quicker than more commonly used medication. Research has also shown that you are more likely to suffer from frequent migraines if you have low magnesium levels.

6. It Can Lower Your Blood Pressure

Studies have shown that taking magnesium daily could lower blood pressure in those who already have high blood pressure. However, it had no effect on those with normal blood pressure levels. Magic stuff this magnesium!

Mineral water with magnesium can assist in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. Low levels of magnesium could contribute to high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and conditions causing irregular heartbeats.

7. Magnesium Can Improve Symptoms of PMS

Magnesium supplements have been shown to improve mood (tiredness and irritability are common symptoms of PMS), reduce water retention and other premenstrual symptoms in women.

8. Magnesium is Available in Food and is Safe for Consumption

Magnesium can be found in supplements and the following food sources: spinach, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, almonds, cashews, black beans, avocado and salmon. It’s always best to check with your doctor before taking supplements; magnesium supplements may not be safe while on certain heart medications, diuretics or antibiotics.

Your body cannot function properly without magnesium. So if you aren’t able to eat enough magnesium-rich foods; ensure your water is magnesium-enriched or take additional supplements. Always consult your doctor before taking any additional health supplements.

Some of Our H2O | BWT Products that Purify & Mineralize Your Household Tap Water:

BWT Penguin 2.7L Magnesium Mineralizer Jug

BWT Magnesium Minerlized Jug Cartridges - 3x Pack

Woda 3

Read more on the benefits of magnesium water below:

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